Gerhard Malmberg

The music career that didn’t happen. But I had fun for a while along the way. Bad memory, but the group Bastard is a constellation I remember. I don’t remember who was there, but I see in pictures that I played with Lennart Bergquist, Olle Rönnbäck, Björn Axelsson and Charlie (Kjell Brännholm). Tommy Andersson, Kaj Strang, Hasse Johansson and I are another. Can’t remember what we called ourselves but it must have had something to do with meditation when Tommy tricked us down that rabbit hole. Maybe we were called “Mantra”, no, I don’t remember. However, I think it was mostly a rehearsal space there. But the start or gateway to music for me was blissful Björn Axelsson. He drew me into music with his senseless genius and musicality.

Moved down to Stockholm in 1980 and Åkersberga in 1982 where I continued making music with Lennart B and local musicians. Some gigs at youth farms.

After that I think I got an ATARI pc (1040?) with 1 Mb of memory and some synths and sat down on the chamber and wrote music instead of crawling on stage.

I remember that during the Kalix era I was made aware that when I performed I always stood and plucked the whole song through before the counting started. So the listeners who showed up had already heard the whole thighs before we ran it.

But as I said, landed in Åkersberga and played in slightly different constellations. There was a music program on the radio (Riff) which was led by a guitarist Rolf Ericson. He was a music teacher out here and had also made a little inroads with Ledin at the time. He had heard of a strange guitarist who played the vibrato on the string length down by the stables. (Had a Gibson ES 335 with trapezium bridge at the time.) He wanted something from me on the show. So then I put together a song for “Riff” with a bit of stable swing. And it sounded like this.

Change Your Life

Became more and more time in front of the digital “studio” and less time in bands and gigs. Being in the limelight was and is not really my thing. Got together some works that spread in all possible directions and the last thing I did was an instrumental story that I also managed to capture for posterity.


Ja, mycket mer än så blev det inte. Jo, egentligen finns det ju mer inspelat men

jag tycker det låter lite för illa för att plåga er med. Hoppade över till den grafiska världen och faktiskt så ligger det väldigt nära musiken i fråga om dynamik, dramaturgi, timing etc. Kanske därför jag inte saknar att spela längre.

Jag har ju ändå fått göra roliga saker inom film och grafikvärlden. Fick vara med och filma intervjuerna för Thin Lizzy dokumentären som Jörgen Holmstedt gjorde. Iväg till Dublin och träffade Phils mamma, Brian (trummis) och en drös andra gitarrister som varit med i TL under deras era. Men fräckast för min del tror jag var att mygga på Gary Moore för hans intervju.

Filmade även BB King för en intervju på Grand Hotel här i Sthlm.

Here I, Jovan Radomir Jörgen Holmstedt at Gröna Lund with Brian Robertson before the interview.
Me at the Thin Lizzy museum in Dublin. Yes, fun times.

Yes, maybe just enough to tie the knot here then. I think this was a great idea by Roland. Thanks for that!!! Now I’ll botanize the rest of you here.