Jan Morin

My future music career began in the dance band “Kilax”. Can’t remember exactly when we started that band – but it was around 1972-73. We had “some” success with this band at the gigs we had in a number of smaller towns in eastern Norrbotten. Weddings, company parties, baptisms and fires – sort of

The photo is from a summer party, organized by Björkforsortens Framtid in 1973!

The band consisted of – from left to right:

  • Jan Morin, Björkfors, guitar
  • Roger Nilsson, Granån, vocals
  • Sven Wallgren, Karlsborgsverken, drums and vocals
  • Sven Nilsson, Björkfors, bass
  • Åke Nilsson, Kvarnudden, keyboards and vocals

The unknown little person at the bottom left – is unknown! Anyone who recognizes themselves? The band’s rehearsal space was originally the gymnasium at Björkfors school. But later on we moved to an empty classroom(due to reduced number of students…)

Part of our “backline” – Chemically manufactured speaker cabinets Hendeset 4×12 for guitar + a Hagström 620 (but only 2 x 12..) + Sven’s bass rig – folded horn 1×15, I think it was + a Laney Klipp!
Notice the colored light bulb in Sven’s puka! There were more later! It all went on for a few more years – new equipment was acquired. Sven bought a big black Ludwigset – and our keyboardist managed to collect some too!
Here, however, this dance band began to “crack at the joints”… Sometime in 1976 – Sven & Sven and I wanted to “move on” and started to scratch a trio – with REALLY HARD rock! Sven Wallgren called Bernt Ek – when we needed a singer! It – was the forerunner of what would become “Grace”.